Assistant, Associate Professor (2015~) Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (2018~) (미 메릴랜드대 물리치료 및 재활과학 겸임조교수) Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, School of Medicine, Maryland University, Baltimore, US
한국로봇학회 이사 및 재활로봇연구회 회장 (2019~) 한국로봇학회 조직위원 (2020~) 9TH IEEE RAS/EMBS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ROBOTICS & BIOMECHATRONICS, Editorial board (2020~) APPLIED SCIENCES, Reviewer board (2020~) IEEE RAS/EMBS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ROBOTICS & BIOMECHATRONICS, Associate editor (2020) IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS) 2019, Associate editor (2019) 보건복지부 국립재활원 돌봄로봇 정책 포럼위원 (2020) 대한기계학회 바이오공학부분 이사 (2019~) 대한의료로봇학회 기획이사 (2018~) FRONTIERS IN NEUROROBOTICS, Review editor (2018~) IEEE/RSJ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT ROBOTS AND SYSTEMS (IROS) 2018, Associate editor (2018) 보건복지부 국립재활원 4차산업혁명 위원회 대응 돌봄로봇 자문위원 (2018~2019) 산업통장자원부(KEIT) 의료로봇 신규R&D사업기획 자문위원 (2018) 한국로봇학회 재활로봇 연구회 간사 (2017~2018) KIST 바이오닉암사업단 자문위원 (2017~2018) 산업통상자원부 로봇산업진흥원 재활로봇융합얼라이언스 위원 (2017) 산업통상자원부 대한민국 로봇산업 기술로드맵 조직위원 (2017)Adjunct Assistant Professor (2015~2017) (미 노스웨스턴대 재활의학과 겸임조교수) School of Physical Medicine&Rehabilitation, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US
Instructor (2012~2013) Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US
Postdoctoral Fellow (Jun.2010~Jan.2015) Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, US
Research Associate (Jan.2010~Jan.2015) Sensory Motor Performance Program, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USEducation Ph.D. (Jan. 2009) Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea Dissertation: Robust IMC based Impedance Control of Robot Manipulators (Advisor: Prof. Pyung Hun Chang) M.S. (Feb. 2002) Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea Thesis: Active Compliance Control for the Rehabilitation Robot with Cable Transmission (Advisor: Prof. Pyung Hun Chang) B.S. (Feb. 2000) Mechanical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea Graduated with honors (Cum laude)
Honors and Awards 2020 한국로봇학회 학보 ART(Assistive Robotic Technology) 상 2017 Invited as a Promising Scientist, KSME Bioengineering section Promising Scientist Symposium 2016-2018 Listed in The Marquis Who’s Who In the World (33rd Ed.) 2010-2012 (3 years) An award on research excellence and contribution to the knowledge and treatment of disabling conditions, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Aug. 2004 Excellent Teaching Assistant Award - New Class Design: “Mechanical Engineering Laboratory”, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST Apr. 2003 Silver Prize (Recognition of Excellence for Poster Presentation), IEEE International conference on rehabilitation robotics P.H. Chang, Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), H.S. Park, S.T. Kim, and J.H. Kim, “Active compliance control for the rehabilitation robot with cable transmission,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp. 84-87, Daejeon, Korea, Apr. 2003 Feb. 2000 Graduated with honors (Cum laude), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST May 1999 KAIST Scholarship for the Model Student (모범학생): 1,000,000 KRW (~$1000.00) 1996-2000 KAIST Scholarship for Academic Achievement: Stipend 1996-2002 Korea National Scholarship: Full tuition of undergraduate/graduate school