

  1. Park, S. H., Hwang, S., Kim, M., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2025). Physical Implications and Physics-Based Design Conditions of Nominal Inertia Matrix for Operational Space Perturbation Observer. IEEE Access, 13, 22270-22282.

  2. Lee, S. J., Kang, H., Kim, K. T., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2024). Developing a device for simultaneously investigating pivoting neuromuscular control and muscle properties toward a multi-axis rehabilitation. Plos one, 19(7), e0304665.

  3. Xu, D., Sang Hoon Kang, Lee, S. J., Oppizzi, G., & Zhang, L. Q. (2024). Multi-joint Assessment of Proprioception Impairments Poststroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 105(3), 480-486.

  4. Son, J., Kang, H., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2023). A Review on Robust Control of Robot Manipulators for Future Manufacturing. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 1-20.

  5. Park, S. H., Jin, M., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2022). Efficient Acceleration-Level Formula of Bias Acceleration Satisfying Time Precedence for Operational Space Formulation. IEEE Access, 10, 65533-65547.

  6. Lee, K. W., Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author), & Lim, S.C (2022). Simple and Reliable Position Sense Assessment Under Different External Torques: Toward Developing a Post-Stroke Proprioception Evaluation Device. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 30, 823-832.

  7. Park, S. H., Jin, M., Kang, H., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2021). Experimental study on a robust interaction control with unknown environments. Electronics Letters, 57(25) 964-966. Selected as cover page

  8. Hwang, S., Park, S. H., Jin, M., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2021). A robust control of robot manipulators for physical interaction: stability analysis for the interaction with unknown environments. Intelligent Service Robotics, 1-14. Selected as cover page

  9. Park, S. H., Son, J., Jin, M., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2021). Experimental verification on the robustness and stability of an interaction control: Single-degree-of-freedom robot case. Electronics Letters, 57(11) 433-435.

  10. Kang, H., Lee, S. J., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2020). Stability of a robust interaction control for single-degree-of-freedom robots with unstructured environments. Intelligent Service Robotics, 13, 393-401.

  11. Lee, S. J., Jin, D., Sang Hoon Kang, Gaebler-Spira, D., & Zhang, L. Q. (2019). Combined ankle/knee stretching and pivoting stepping training for children with cerebral palsy. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 27(9), 1743-1752.

  12. Liu, J., Ren, Y., Xu, D., Sang Hoon Kang, & Zhang, L. Q. (2019). EMG-based real-time linear-nonlinear cascade regression decoding of shoulder, elbow, and wrist movements in able-bodied persons and stroke survivors. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 67(5), 1272-1281.

  13. Sang Hoon Kang, Lee, S. J., Press, J. M., & Zhang, L. Q. (2019). Real-time three-dimensional knee moment estimation in knee osteoarthritis: toward biodynamic knee osteoarthritis evaluation and training. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 27(6), 1263-1272.

  14. Busogi, M., Song, D., Sang Hoon Kang, & Kim, N. (2019). Sequence based optimization of manufacturing complexity in a mixed model assembly line. IEEE Access, 7, 22096-22106.

  15. Jin, M., Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author), Chang, P. H., & Lee, J. (2017). Robust control of robot manipulators using inclusive and enhanced time delay control. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 22(5), 2141-2152.

  16. Liu, J., Sang Hoon Kang, Xu, D., Ren, Y., Lee, S. J., & Zhang, L. Q. (2017). EMG-based continuous and simultaneous estimation of arm kinematics in able-bodied individuals and stroke survivors. Frontiers in neuroscience, 11, 480.

  17. Jin, M., Lee, J. Y., Chang, P. H., Kim, M. G., & Sang Hoon Kang (2017). Automatic gain tuning for robust PID control using time-delay control. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50(1), 4318-4323.

  18. Zhang, L. Q., Son, J., Park, H. S., Sang Hoon Kang, Lee, Y., & Ren, Y. (2017). Changes of shoulder, elbow, and wrist stiffness matrix post stroke. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(7), 844-851.

  19. Park, K., Chang, P. H., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author)(2016). In vivo estimation of human forearm and wrist dynamic properties. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(5), 436-446.

  20. Lee, S. J., Ren, Y., Sang Hoon Kang, Geiger, F., & Zhang, L. Q. (2015). Pivoting neuromuscular control and proprioception in females and males. European journal of applied physiology, 115(4), 775-784.

  21. Zhang, L. Q., Chen, K., Sang Hoon Kang, Sliwa, J. A., Cohen, B. A., Rymer, W. Z., & Wang, L. (2014). Characterizations of reflex and nonreflex changes in spastic multiple sclerosis. Journal of neuroscience methods, 231, 3-8.

  22. Sang Hoon Kang, Lee, S. J., & Zhang, L. Q. (2014). Real-time tracking of knee adduction moment in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Journal of neuroscience methods, 231, 9-17.

  23. Fung, D. T., Lee, S. J., Ren, Y., Sang Hoon Kang, Liu, S. Q., & Zhang, L. Q. (2014). Impingement analysis with 3-D geometric characterizations of ACL pseudofibers and intercondylar notch. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 34(2), 116-122.

  24. Sang Hoon Kang, Lee, S. J., Ren, Y., & Zhang, L. Q. (2013). Real-time knee adduction moment feedback training using an elliptical trainer. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 22(2), 334-343.

  25. Schwartz, D. G., Sang Hoon Kang, Lynch, T. S., Edwards, S., Nuber, G., Zhang, L. Q., & Saltzman, M. (2013). The anterior deltoid's importance in reverse shoulder arthroplasty: a cadaveric biomechanical study. Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery, 22(3), 357-364.

  26. Yang, C. Y., Guo, X., Ren, Y., Sang Hoon Kang, & Zhang, L. Q. (2013). Position-dependent, hyperexcitable patellar reflex dynamics in chronic stroke. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 94(2), 391-400.

  27. Ren, Y., Sang Hoon Kang(co-first author), Park, H. S., Wu, Y. N., & Zhang, L. Q. (2012). Developing a multi-joint upper limb exoskeleton robot for diagnosis, therapy, and outcome evaluation in neurorehabilitation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 21(3), 490-499.

  28. Chang, P. H., Park, K., Sang Hoon Kang, Krebs, H. I., & Hogan, N. (2012). Stochastic estimation of human arm impedance using robots with nonlinear frictions: An experimental validation. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 18(2), 775-786.

  29. Chang, P. H., & Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author) (2010). Stochastic estimation of human arm impedance under nonlinear friction in robot joints: A model study. Journal of neuroscience methods, 189(1), 97-112.

  30. Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author), Jin, M., & Chang, P. H. (2009). A solution to the accuracy/robustness dilemma in impedance control. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 14(3), 282-294.

  31. Jin, M., Sang Hoon Kang, & Chang, P. H. (2008). Robust compliant motion control of robot with nonlinear friction using time-delay estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 55(1), 258-269.

  32. Bien, Z., Chung, M. J., Chang, P. H., Kwon, D. S., Kim, D. J., Han, J. S., Kim, J.H., Kim, D.H., Park, H.S., Sang Hoon Kang, Lee, K.B. & Lim, S. C. (2004). Integration of a rehabilitation robotic system (KARES II) with human-friendly man-machine interaction units. Autonomous robots, 16(2), 165-191.

  33. Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding Author), Chang, P. H., & Park, H. S. (2004). Active Compliance Control for the Rehabilitation Robot with Cable Driven Transmission. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A, 28(12), 1823-1832.

  34. Kim, S. T., Chang, P. H., & Sang Hoon Kang (2004). Robust backstepping control using time delay estimation. Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A, 28(12), 1833-1844.


  1. M. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2024, Dec) Effect of Shoulder Girdle Movement on Upper Limb Dummy. 2024 Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA).

  2. J. Son, C. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2024, Dec) Magnetic Sensor-Based Drone Charging Station:High Efficient and Robust to Landing Errors. 2024 Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications (RiTA).

  3. H. Kang, S. Hwang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2024, Oct) Robot Inertial and Flexible Dynamics’ Effects on the Estimation of the Human Limb Dynamics Identification and Their Treatment. 2024 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS).

  4. J. Son, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023, Dec) A Single-Camera Markerless Motion Capture and Biofeedback System for Rehabilitation Exercise with a Stepping Robot. 2023 추계한국재활로봇학회.
    최우수 구연상 수상

  5. S. Hwang, H. Kang, M. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023, Nov) A Study of Linear Arm Behavior for Small Perturbations in Mechanical Impedance Estimation. 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집.

  6. J. Son, C. Kim Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023, Nov) High efficient, simple, magnetic sensor-based drone charging system robust to landing position and orientation errors. 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집.

  7. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023. Jul). 확률론적 추정 방법을 사용한 신뢰할 수 있고 정확한 기계적 임피던스 추정을 위한 선형성 가정 검증. 제14차 대한의료로봇학회 학술대회

  8. H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023. Jul). A device for the verification of reliability and accuracy of poststroke upper limb mechanical impedance estimation. International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems

  9. J. Son, C. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023. Jun). Robust and Efficient Automatic Drone Charging: A Magnetic Sensor-Based Contact Charging Station with Landing Error-Tolerant Design. 20th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR)

  10. S. Hwang, H. Kang Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023, May) Assessing the Validity of Linearity Assumptions in Estimating Upper Limb Mechanical Impedance using Stochastic Estimation. 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집.
    최우수 논문상 수상

  11. J. Son, C. Kim Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023, May) High efficiency magnetic sensor-based charging system for unmanned drones with enhanced landing position and direction tolerance. 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집.

  12. H. Kang Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2023, May) A device for the verification of reliability and accuracy of upper limb mechanical impedance estimation. 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집.

  13. H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2022. Nov). 기계적 임피던스 추정 시 고려해야만 하는 로봇 역학. 2022 Annual Conference of Korean Society of Medical Robotics

  14. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2022, Aug). Significance of friction in mechanical impedance estimation. The 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics & Biomechatronics

  15. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2022, Jul). A Preliminary Study On The Linearity Assumption of the Upper Limb for Stochastic Estimation: Spring Array Experiment. 19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR)

  16. J. Son, H. Kang, M. Jin, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2022, Jul). A Practical Auto-Tuning PID Control for Robot Manipulators Robust Against Significant Changes In Internal/External Dynamics. 19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR)

  17. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2021, Dec). Linearity assumption in the stochastic estimation of human arm mechanical impedance, #PP2-72. The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanica (AP Biomech 2021)

  18. H. Kang, S. Hwang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2021, Dec). Considerations for the reliable and accurate mechanical impedance estimation of the upper limb with a robot, #PP1-72, The 11th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanica (AP Biomech 2021),

  19. J. Son, H. Kang, M. Jin, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2021 Nov). An Adaptive Proportional-integral-differential (PID) Control Robust against Significant Changes in Robot and External Dynamics for Robot Manipulator, 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집. (pp. 150-150).

  20. S. Hwang, H. Kang Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author).(2021, Nov) Friction in Robot Joints is the Reason for Nonlinearity in Impedance Estimation. 한국정밀공학회 학술발표대회 논문집. (pp. 289-289).
    최우수 논문상 수상

  21. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author).(2021, May). Does the nonlinearity from an arm or a robot? 16th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference (KRoC)

  22. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author).(2021, Apr). Compensation of Nonlinearity in Robots for Reliable and Accurate Stochastic Estimation of Mechanical Impedance. 2021 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference Bioengineering Division.

  23. H. Kang, S. Hwang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author).(2020, Aug) Considerations for the Reliable and Accurate Mechanical Impedance Estimation of the Human Upper Limb with a Physical Robot. 2020 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference Bioengineering Division.

  24. S. Hwang, H. Kang, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2020, Aug)The Necessity of Friction Compensation Even in Direct-Drive Robots for Reliable and Accurate Estimation of Human Arm Mechanical Impedance. 2020 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference Bioengineering Division

  25. J. Kim, S. Min, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2020, Aug). Exploring 3 DOF upper limb dummy design methods for upper limb impedance analysis. 2020 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference Bioengineering Division

  26. J. Son, S. Min, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author).(2020, Aug). Development of a Safe and Programmable Electrical Muscle Stimulator and An Electromyography Sensing System. 2020 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference Bioengineering Division.

  27. J. Son, H. Kang, J. Kim, M. Jin, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2020, Aug). A robust and adaptive Proportional-Integral-Differential (PID) control for robot manipulator. 15th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference(KRoC)

  28. Yang, K. M., Seo, K. H., Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author), & Lim, Y. (2020, May). Robot Plan Model Generation and Execution with Natural Language Interface. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (pp. 6973-6978). IEEE.

  29. H. Kang, S. S. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang(Corresponding author). (2019, Jun). Accuracy and Reliability of Human Limb Impedance Estimator of Widely Used Robot for Human Limb Studies (HapticMaster). 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR).

  30. C. Park, Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author). (2019, Jun). Developing USB-camera Based Low-cost Optical Motion Capture System for Clinical Use. 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots(UR).

  31. H. Kang, S. S. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author). (2019, Apr). Reliability of Human Limb Impedance Estimation of HapticMaster. 2019 The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Conference Bioengineering Division

  32. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author), H. Kang,. (2018, Oct). A robot for impedance estimation of human upper limb. 18th International Conference on Control Automation and Systems (ICCAS).

  33. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author), H. Kang. (2018, Oct). Human limb impedance estimation performance of a widely used robot for human limb studies (HapticMASTER). 18th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS).

  34. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author), H. Kang. (2018, Oct). Enhancing reliability of upper limb impedance estimation with a novel arm mechanical impedance estimator (AMIE). IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).

  35. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author), H. K. Jo,. (2017, Oct). 3D upper limb multi-joint/DOF mechanical impedance estimation. International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS)

  36. D. Kim, Sang Hoon Kang, G. M. Gu, M. Jin. (Sept, 2017). Impedance control with structural compliance and a sensorless strategy for contact tasks. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). (pp.3623-3628).

  37. H. K. Jo, Sang Hoon Kang (corresponding author). (2017, Sept) Verification of accuracy and reliability of stochastic estimation of upper limb 3D impedance. Annual Conference of Korean Society of Medical Robotics

  38. M. Jin, J. Y. Lee, P.-H. Chang, M.-G Kim, Sang Hoon Kang. (2017, Jul). Automatic gain tuning for robust PID control using time-delay control. IFAC 2017 World Congress, 50(1), (pp 4318-4323)

  39. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding author), H. Jo. (2017, Jun). On limb multi-joint/DOF mechanical impedance estimation toward clinical use. The 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence.

  40. Sang Hoon Kang (corresponding author), H. K. Jo, H. A. Kang, S. S. Kim. (2017, Feb). On limb mechanical impedance estimation – where we are? 12th Korea Robotics Society Annual Conference(KRoC)

  41. Sang Hoon Kang, S. J. Lee, L.-Q. Zhang. (2016, Jul). Evaluations of wrist spasticity post stroke. International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) 2016 Congress

  42. Sang Hoon Kang, S. J. Lee, L.-Q. Zhang. (2016, Mar). Real-time estimation of the external knee adduction moment in knee osteoarthritis using an offaxis elliptical trainer. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2016 Annual Meeting

  43. S. J. Lee, Y. Ren, D. Gaebler-Spira, Sang Hoon Kang, D. Jin, D. Xu, L.-Q. Zhang. (2016, Mar). Combined robotic offaxis neuromuscular elliptical training and joint stretching in children with cerebral palsy and intoeing gait. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2016 Annual Meeting

  44. Sang Hoon Kang, Y. Ren, D. Xu, L.-Q. Zhang. (2014, Aug). Lower-limb multi-joint stiffness of knee and ankle. 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC). (pp. 4009-4012)

  45. L.-C. Tsai, Y. Ren, L. Wang, S. J. Lee, Sang Hoon Kang, D. Gaebler-Spira, L.-Q. Zhang. (2013, Oct). Off-axis elliptical training to reduce gait abnormalities in children with Cerebral Palsy.American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine(AACPDM) 67th Annual Meeting

  46. Sang Hoon Kang, S.J. Lee, Y. Ren, L.-Q. Zhang. (2013, Sep). Estimating knee adduction moment in real-time on an elliptical trainer. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2016 Annual Meeting

  47. Sang Hoon Kang, S. J. Lee, Y. Ren, L.-Q. Zhang. (2013, Jun). Development of an elliptical trainer with real-time knee adduction moment feedback. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics

  48. Sang Hoon Kang, L.-Q. Zhang. (2011, Aug). Robust identification of multi-joint human arm impedance based on dynamics decomposition: a modeling study. 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. (pp. 4453-4456)

  49. Sang Hoon Kang, Y. Ren, S.J. Lee, L.-Q Zhang. (2011, Apr). Real-time estimation of knee adduction moment on a multi-axis elliptical trainer with a six-DOF goniometer. 2011 Annual Conference Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society. (pp.238-239)

  50. P.H. Chang,Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), K.B. Park. (2009, Jun). Stochastic estimation of human arm impedance under nonlinear friction in robot joints: a model study. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. (pp.147-154)

  51. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), M. Jin, P.H. Chang. (2008, May). An IMC based enhancement of accuracy and robustness of impedance control. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (pp. 2623-2628)

  52. J.H. Jung, P.H. Chang, Sang Hoon Kang. (2007, Jul). Stability analysis of discrete time delay control for nonlinear systems. American Control Conference(ACC). (pp.5995-6002)

  53. M. Jin, Sang Hoon Kang, P.H. Chang. (2006, Jul). A robust compliant motion control of robot with certain hard nonlinearities using time delay estimation. 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. (pp. 311-316)

  54. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), M. Jin, P.H. Chang, E. Lee. (2005, Jun). Nonlinear bang-bang impact control for free space, impact and constrained motion: multi-DOF case. American Control Conference(ACC) vol.3, (pp. 1913-1920)

  55. M. Jin, Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), P.H. Chang, E. Lee. (2005, Apr). Nonlinear bang-bang impact control: a seamless control in all contact modes. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA). (pp.557-564)

  56. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), M. Jin, P.H. Chang, E. Lee. (2004, Sep). Robot interaction control in unstructured space environment for space exploration. the American Institute of Aeronautics Astronautics(AIAA) 3rd Unmanned Unlimited Technical Conference. (pp. 826-832)

  57. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), P.H. Chang, M. Jin, E. Lee. (2004, Sep). Nonlinear bang-bang impact control using time delay: stability analysis and experiments. 5th IFAC Workshop on Time Delay Systems(TDS). (pp. 101-106)

  58. Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), P.H. Chang, E. Lee. (2004, Jun). Stability analysis of nonlinear bang-bang impact control for a one degree of freedom robotic manipulator. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, 2004. (pp. 84-91)

  59. P.H. Chang, Sang Hoon Kang (Corresponding Author), H.S. Park, S.T. Kim, J.H. Kim. (2003, Apr). Active compliance control for the rehabilitation robot with cable transmission. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). (pp. 84-87). *Silver Prize (Recognition of Excellence for Poster Presentation)


  1. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. Kang, "UPPER LIMB MULTI-JOINT IMPEDANCE MEASUREMENT METHOD AND APPARATUS USING THE SAME", 15/716, 536, US, 2024.10, Registered,

  2. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 유성문, "재활 로봇 시스템 및 이의 제어방법", 10-2024-0201928, KR, 2024.12, Pending,

  3. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 유성문, "상지 재활 로봇의 제어 방법 및 착용형 인터페이스", 10-2024-0184568, KR, 2024.12, Pending,

  4. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 김찬수, "재활 운동 로봇을 이용한 재활 운동 피드백 시스템 및 방법 ", 10-2024-0040541, KR, 2024.12, Pending,


  6. Sang Hoon Kang, 양견모, "서비스 제공용 로봇 시스템 및 그 서비스 제공용 로봇 시스템을 이용한 서비스 제공방법", 10-2023-0189663, KR, 2023.12, Pending,

  7. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 손정우, "하지 재활 운동 시스템 및 이를 이용한 하지 운동 평가 방법", 10-2741322, KR, 2024.12, Registered,

  8. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 송원경, "재활 로봇 시스템 및 재활 로봇의 제어방법", 10-2023-0140309, KR, 2023.1, Pending,

  9. 범재원, 임재영, 이송주, Sang Hoon Kang, 김학병, 석동욱, "하지 근기능 평가를 통한 맞춤형 재활훈련 방법", 10-2540112, KR, 2023.05, Registered,

  10. 권철현, Sang Hoon Kang, 최호정, 손정우, 이상훈, 김찬수, "자율 충전 드론과 충전 스테이션을 구비하는 자율 드론 충전 시스템 및 자율 충전 방법", 10-2023-0013032, KR, 2023.01, Pending,

  11. Sang Hoon Kang, 박상현, 김무림, "작업공간제어를 위한 바이어스 가속도 연산을 수행하는 로 봇 제어 장치 및 방법", 10-2023-0012353, KR, 2023.01, Pending,


  13. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 송원경, "재활 로봇 시스템 및 재활 로봇의 제어방법", 10-2022-0158148, KR, 2022.11, Pending,


  15. Sang Hoon Kang, 강현아, 민석준, 권순철, "기계적 임피던스 조절이 가능한 인체 더미 장치", 10-2376055, KR, 2022.03, Registered,

  16. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 권순철, "재활 로봇 시스템 및 재활 로봇의 제어방법", 10-2021-0191946, KR, 2021.12, Pending,

  17. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 황성일, "하지 재활 운동 시스템 및 이를 이용한 하지 운동 평가 방법", 10-2741837, KR, 2024.12, Registered,

  18. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 권순철, 구익모, "환자 맞춤형 보조력 제공이 가능한 재활 운동 시스템", 10-2021-0153129, KR, 2021.11, Pending,

  19. Sang Hoon Kang, J. Son, C. Park, 김태원, "DRONE CHARGING STATION AND OPERATING METHOD THEREOF", PCT/KR2021/007120, PCT/KR, 2021.06, Pending,

  20. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, S. Min, S. Kwon, "HUMAN DUMMY APPARATUS CAPABLE OF CHANGING MECHANICAL IMPEDANCE", PCT/KR2021/003539, PCT/KR, 2021.03, Pending,

  21. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 박찬송, 김태원, "드론 충전 스테이션 및 그 작동 방법", 10-2021-0008249, KR, 2021.01, Pending,

  22. Sang Hoon Kang, 강현아, 손정우, 권순철, "임피던스 추정 로봇용 3차원 운동 구동 장치", 10-2200644, KR, 2021.01, Registered,

  23. Sang Hoon Kang, 김성신, 강현아, "동작 분석 장치 및 이를 이용한 동작 분석 방법", 10-2189179, KR, 2020.12, Registered,

  24. Sang Hoon Kang, 강현아, 김성신, "임피던스 추정 로봇용 신체 연결 장치", 10-2180907, KR, 2020.11, Registered,

  25. Sang Hoon Kang, 강현아, "기계적 임피던스 추정 로봇의 신뢰도 및 정확도 검증용 스프링 어레이 장치", 10-2162440, KR, 2020.09, Registered,

  26. Sang Hoon Kang, 강현아, 김호진, "임피던스 추정 로봇의 상하 구동장치 및 이를 구비하는 임피던스 추정 로봇 구동 시스템", 10-2121017, KR, 2020.06, Registered,

  27. Sang Hoon Kang, 김성신, 강현아, 김호진, "상지 재활을 위해 엔드 이펙터 타입의 재활로봇과 연결가능한 재활 로봇", 10-2018566, KR, 2019.08, Registered,

  28. Sang Hoon Kang, 김성신, 강현아, "상지 다관절 임피던스 측정 방법 및 그 장치", 10-2013854, KR, 2019.08, Registered,

  29. 백승환, Sang Hoon Kang, "상지 재활치료용 로봇 장치", 10-2013345, KR, 2019.08, Registered,

  30. 백승환, Sang Hoon Kang, "상지 재활치료 로봇용 운동 전달 기구 장치", 10-2001657, KR, 2019.08, Registered,

  31. Sang Hoon Kang, 김성신, 강현아, 김호진, "착용형 로봇의 인터페이스", 10-1981231, KR, 2019.05, Registered,

  32. Sang Hoon Kang, 김성신, 조현경, 강현아, 김호진, “착용형 로봇의 인터페이스 및 이를 포함하는 임피던스 측정 로봇, ”10-1848670, KR, 2018.04, Registered,

  33. Sang Hoon Kang, 김성신, "환자 맞춤형 재활을 위한 거대자료 기반 지능형 로봇 치료사", 10-2016-0067420, KR, 2016.05, Pending,

  34. L.-Q. Zhang, Sang Hoon Kang, "Apparatus and method of controlling lower-limb joint moments through real-time feedback training", 8840527, US, 2014.09, Registered,

old code..
  1. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, “Spring array device for verifying reliability and accuracy of mechanical impedance estimating robot and connecting structure therebetween(기계적 임피던스 추정 로봇의 신뢰도 및 정확도 검증용 스프링 어레이 장치 및 이의 로봇 연결 구조),” US 11,897,125 , 미국, 2024 (Registered)

  2. Sang Hoon Kang, 박상현, 김무림, "작업공간제어를 위한 바이어스 가속도 연산을 수행하는 로봇 제어 장치 및 방법" PATENT--2023-0012353, Republic of Korea, 2023(Pending)

  3. 권철현, Sang Hoon Kang, 최호정, 손정우, 이상훈, 김찬수, "자율 충전 드론과 충전 스테이션을 구비하는 자율 드론 충전 시스템 및 자율 충전 방법" PATENT-2023-0013032, Republic of Korea, 2022(Pending)

  4. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 송원경, "재활 로봇 시스템 및 재활 로봇의 제어방법" PATENT-2022-0158148, Republic of Korea, 2022(Pending)

  5. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 황성일, "하지 재활 운동 시스템 및 이를 이용한 하지 운동 평가 방법" PCT/KR2022/017406, 2022(Pending)

  6. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 권순철 "재활 로봇 시스템 및 재활 로봇의 제어방법" PCT/KR2022/021587, 2022(Pending)

  7. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 황성일, "하지 재활 운동 시스템 및 이를 이용한 하지 운동 평가 방법" PATENT-2021-0177646, Republic of Korea, 2021(Pending)

  8. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 권순철 "재활 로봇 시스템 및 재활 로봇의 제어방법" PATENT-2021-0191946, Republic of Korea, 2021(Pending)

  9. Sang Hoon Kang, 황성일, 권순철, 구익모 "환자 맞춤형 보조력 제공이 가능한 재활 운동 시스템" PATENT-2021-0153129, Republic of Korea, 2021(Pending)

  10. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 박찬송, 김태원 "드론 충전 스테이션 및 그 작동 방법" PCT/KR2021/007120, 2021(Pending)

  11. Sang Hoon Kang, 손정우, 박찬송, 김태원 "드론 충전 스테이션 및 그 작동 방법" PATENT-2021-0008249, Republic of Korea, 2021(Pending)

  12. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, S. Min, 권순철, "기계적 임피던스 조절이 가능한 인체 더미 장치" PCT/KR2021/003539, 2021(Pending)

  13. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, S. Min, 권순철, "기계적 임피던스 조절이 가능한 인체 더미 장치" PATENT-2376055, Republic of Korea, 2020(Registered)

  14. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, H. J. Kim, "임피던스 추정 로봇의 상하 구동장치 및 이를 구비하는 임피던스 추정 로봇 구동 시스템" PATENT-2121017, Republic of Korea, 2020(Registered)

  15. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, J. Son, 권순철, "임피던스 추정 로봇용 3차원 운동 구동 장치" PATENT-200644, Republic of Korea, 2021(Registered)

  16. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, "기계적 임피던스 추정 로봇의 신뢰도 및 정확도 검증용 스프링 어레이 장치 및 이의 로봇 연결 구조" PATENT-2019-0045536, Republic of Korea, 2019(Pending)

  17. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. Kang “상지 다관절 임피던스 측정 방법 및 그 장치 (upper limb multi-joint impedance measurement method and apparatus thereof),” PATENT-2013854, Republic of Korea, 2019(Registered).

  18. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, S. S. Kim, "임피던스 추정 로봇용 신체 연결 장치" PATENT-2180907, Republic of Korea, 2020(Registered)

  19. Sang Hoon Kang, H. Kang, S. S. Kim, J. Y. Chun, "동작 분석 장치 및 이를 이용한 동작 분석 방법" PATENT-2018-0075683, Republic of Korea, 2018(Pending)

  20. 백승환, Sang Hoon Kang, "상지 재활치료 로봇용 운동 전달 기구 장치" PATENT-2001657, Republic of Korea, 2018(Registered).

  21. 백승환, Sang Hoon Kang, “상지 재활치료용 로봇 장치" PATENT-2013345, Republic of Korea, 2018 (Registered).

  22. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. Kang, H. G. Kim, “착용형 로봇의 인터페이스 (Interface of wearable robot), ” PATENT-1981231, Republic of Korea, 2018 (Registered).

  23. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. K. Jo, H. Kang, H. G. Kim, “착용형 로봇의 인터페이스 및 이를 포함하는 임피던스 측정 로봇 (Interface of wearable robot and robot of impedance measurement using the same), ” PATENT-1848670, Republic of Korea, 2018 (Registered).

  24. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. Kang, “동작 분석 장치 및 이를 이용한 동작 분석 방법 (Apparatus For analysis motion and method for analyzing motion using the same), ” PATENT-2189179, Republic of Korea, 2017 (Registered).

  25. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. Kang, “ Upper limb multi-joint impedance measurement method and apparatus using the same,” US 15/716,536, USA, 2017 (Pending).

  26. Sang Hoon Kang, S. S. Kim, H. Kang, H. G. Kim, “상지 재활을 위해 엔드 이펙터 타입의 재활로봇과 연결가능한 재활 로봇 (Upper limb rehabilitation robot connectable with end-effector type robot), ” PATENT-2017-0157303, Republic of Korea, 2017 (Registered).

  27. L.-Q. Zhang, Sang Hoon Kang, “Apparatus and method of controlling lower-limb joint moments through real-time feedback training,” US 8,840,527, USA, 2014 (Registered).

Book Chapter

  1. M. Jin, Sang Hoon Kang, P.H. Chang, “Simple effective control for robot manipulators with friction,” Robot Manipulators, Chapter 12, pp. 225-242, Edited by Marco Ceccarelli, InTech, Sep. 2008. ISBN 978-953-7619-06-0, Online edition available @ effective_control_for_robot_manipulators_with_friction.


  1. Liu, J.,Samg Hoon Kang, Xu, D., Ren, Y., Lee, S. J., & Zhang, L. Q.  “EMG-based continuous and simultaneous estimation of arm kinematics in able-bodied individuals and stroke survivors.”Biomechatronics: Harmonizing Mechatronic Systems with Human Beings, p.73-83, Edited by Dingguo Zhang, Venketesh Dubey, Wenwei Yu and Kin Huat Low, Jan. 2019. ISBN 978-2-88945-737-3, Online edition available @


  1. S.J. Lee, Y. Ren, N.A. Wilson, Sang Hoon Kang, L.-Q. Zhang, “Effects of knee bracing on patellofemoral pain”, Lower Extremity Review, May, 2011 (invited review). Online edition available @